Toon Tuesday: Chester Emmett, (M.D., PhD.) the Body Fixer

Hey! It’s been a couple years, huh? So much has happened since the last time I posted, lots of big life changes (2 kids now, getting divorced, moving state soon…gonna be busy) I probably won’t be posting on a schedule, but I still adore writing up characters. And, hey, I’ve got a new domain name for the blog! Time to print up some business cards, heh.

Though, this isn’t technically a character I wrote… but I did help! My new partner (who usually plays the grim and gritty World of Darkness and is probably going to introduce me to it soon) has never played Rifts before, and so when I went to visit him, I brought the books with me and showed him the ropes! I think he was trying to write a “boring” character, but he had a lot of fun and we laughed quite a bit. It’s amazing what you can learn about someone when you write up a character together!

Game: Palladium Books’ Rifts RPG
Books Needed: Rifts Ultimate Edition
Recommended Setting: Any starting level, low powered campaign – this character is a skill character NOT a kill character. The running joke with Chester here is that he only has one business card left and was just on his way to Kinko’s to get more when he was sucked into some conflict or another, and then forcibly conscripted into a band of mercenaries because, hey, they needed a doctor.


A human Body Fixer stands among a host of test tube bound mutant humanoids in a laboratory, preparing for surgery…or dissection.

General Information
Nickname: Chester
Exp. Level: One
Experience Table:
R.C.C.: None (Human)
O.C.C.: Body Fixer
Alignment: Scrupulous
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 92%
Charm/Impress: None
Health Points: 18 (+1D6/lvl)
S.D.C.: 46
M.D.C.: None
P.P.E.: 11 (permanent)
I.S.P.: 22 (+1D6/lvl)
Chi: Not applicable.
Horror/Awe Factor: Not applicable.

IQ: 29 (+15% one time intelligence bonus to all new skills – already applied.)
ME: 18
MA: 27
PS: 14 (Lift/Carry: 280/140lbs.)
PP: 19
PE: 18
PB: 10
SPD: 14 (Run: 8.5 mph.)

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RPG a Day 2016: Days 24-31


The full list of this year’s RPG-related questions.

Here we are, in the final week of #RPGaDay2016! It’s been a fun month of seeing other gamers answering these interesting questions on social media (Twitter and Google Plus being some of the most popular for sharing). And I’ve managed to keep up this year! Looking forward to having more varied experiences to share next year, as well.

Day 24: What is the game you are most likely to give to others?


If I were giving it to someone new to RPGs, I’d go with something easy to learn and play. I may even go with an Indie RPG like Wayfarer: Things Beyond Wonder, or a diceless RPG. Dungeons and Dragons is always a good bet to get new players started, and it’s the easiest system to find other players for, so it is the most likely choice as a gift.

I started with Rifts, and though it’s my favorite game, I really caution new players against cutting their teeth with that level of crunch – and when I introduce new players (even those who have played RPGs before and are just new to Rifts), there’s a lot of hand holding.

If I were giving it to a veteran RPGer, I’d probably go with an interesting Indie game that they maybe haven’t heard of. Or a bigger name game that they don’t have yet, but have expressed an interest in, like Shadowrun or Numenara – or maybe even World of Warcraft: The Role Playing Game, if they also enjoyed WoW.

Day 25: What makes for a good character?


Honestly, that the player enjoys playing them. So long as everyone is having fun and nobody is hurt, it’s a good character.

As a Dungeon Master, I usually prefer my players to have the following: a short background, a reason for adventuring, a disability/vulnerability/hindrance, and a hobby or two (reflected in their skill selection where possible). I feel it rounds out the character and adds to the story. I reward detail and use these quirks as stepping stones for their own individual stories as we game. Everyone gets a chance in the spotlight at my table, and a more fleshed-out character, one that they put themselves into, is usually more fun for everyone.

Day 26: What hobbies go well with RPGs?


Reading comic books/manga/graphic novels. I feel that anyone can draw a lot of creativity from the endless supply of comics, and it’s especially helpful for those who need a visual or illustrative example to convey what they mean or to understand a situation.

There are plenty of other hobbies that go well with RPGs, of course. Artistic hobbies, watching movies, reading and/or writing, voice imitation, video gaming, blogging, and probably loads more that escape me at this moment.

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RPG a Day 2016: Days 10-23


The full list of this year’s RPG-inspired questions.

10: Largest in-game surprise you have experienced?


Playing Rifts, I was most surprised the moment that it was revealed that my Dog-Boy, Asher, just unwittingly became a Paladin of the archangel Gabriel. We had no idea that old Gabe was Gabriel, and I certainly wasn’t expecting a whole slew of new abilities (and responsibilities).

11: Which gamer most affected the way you play?


Definitely my Dad. He was my first DM, and as such really shaped the way I play and the way I run campaigns myself. I haven’t played more than a couple of games without him, actually, and I’m glad to be influenced by his easygoing and creative style.

I have my own style, of course, but without Dad introducing me to RPGs and gaming with me on the regular, I’d be a very different gamer.

12: What game is your group most likely to play next? Why?


Rifts, which is what we always play because we love the setting and world created by Palladium Books. Also because I won’t have my physical copies of Savage Worlds: Rifts until December, and we’re trying to set up a game before that. Same beloved setting, but with the streamlined SW rules.

However, we’ll have a new player, too. So I’m going to try my hand at convincing the group to run a new system, something less familiar, but far less crunchy. Maybe Wayfarer: Things Beyond Wonder (an indie RPG which I reviewed here) or the World of Warcraft RPG (based off of Dungeons and Dragons 3.5)?
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